This Liver Detox is used to cleanse the liver and gall bladder of toxins and gall stones, a really important cleansing cycle for the body


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Product Description

It is recommended that every adult should do the liver detox every 6 weeks to 3 months, after a thorough parasite removal

The Detox should be preceded by a thorough Parasite Cleanse

Epsom Salts, Black Walnut and Natra-Sleep vegan capsules.  Non-irradiated


Epsom salt in a plastic container, Black Walnut Hull tincture in a glass bottle and 2 Natra-Sleep capsules

You need to add: 

½ a cup of olive oil, 1 large or 2 small grapefruit and a mixing container


The Liver Detox takes 24 hours, and it's best carried out on a weekend or day off 

Please be sure to follow the inserted instructions to the letter for the most positive result.

sHow To Draw Human Liver - YouTube | Draw diagram, Human liver, Human drawing

Advice from our good doctor manufacturer in response to a question:
Yes, it is correct, that one should repeat the Liver Cleanse after 3 weeks especially if stones have been excreted.
The 3-week cycle should be continued until there have been no stones for 2 consecutive flushes.
Once this happens the maintenance protocol can begin, viz.  a cleanse every 3 months