Seven herbs formulated to help with oedema, inflammation, water retention, lymphedema and gout. Flushes out excess water and waste from the body.
Zea Mays - a powerful diuretic, rich in vitamins K, C and potassium, is an anti inflammatory and used for disorders of the urinary track, gout and oedema
Veronica Speedwell - a Diuretic with tonic properties as it is rich in vitamins, tannins, and aucubin which has anti inflammatory, diuretic and liver protective properties
Ruscus Aculeatus - a diuretic, blood vessel toner, strengthens and tones blood vessels, and venous insufficiency which causes pain and swelling
Birch Leaves - are diuretic, cleansing, support kidneys and treat urinary tract infections. Used to cleanse the body of excess water, treats gout, rheumatism and arthritic pain
Dandelion - is a strong blood purifier that brings relief to gout, glandular swellings and assists in inflammation within the body
Elder - is antiseptic, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, helps reduce pain and swelling whilst boosting the functioning of the immune system
Sarsaparilla - is a potent anti inflammatory, used for all inflammatory conditions. Helps reduce fluid retention, and kidney function.
Hops - it breaks up inflammation, relieves pain and treated infections.